The Gang

The Gang

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lost In The Right Direction 

Yep.......that's me, hiding in the bathroom, in my jammies at 6 in the evening, eating 3 month old valentine's day heart candy.  Benjamin is running through the house, followed by his trusty companion Stella, his dog and best friend.  He has his sword in hand trying desperately to slay the dragon (his 4 year old sister, Charlie), in a valiant effort to protect the beautiful princess who happens to be his other sister, 6 year old Penny.  Its insanely loud, with all sorts of screeching and barking that's sending sharp pains straight to my head, I've worked 2 jobs today, I'm tired, overwhelmed and hiding from the dinner dishes.
There I am shoving colorful hearts of goodness in my mouth when the door slams open sending all the towels that are hanging from the door flying. Benjamin is standing there with my camera snapping pictures as fast as the camera will allow of this sad and slightly pathetic scene.  The girls are right behind him laughing hysterically saying "caught ya mama!!" Stella walks into the bathroom, takes a drink out of the toilet and proceeds to belch loudly when she's finished, which causes another round of insane laughter.
And in moments like these I'm reminded that no matter how crazy, messy, tired, or lost I may feel in this is so beautiful, so full. Its nothing like I imagined but I wouldn't trade it for any other life, it feels so good to be lost in the right direction.
We moved to a small rural town in Oregon 2 years ago to start our life over after leaving an abusive and destructive home. God has watched over us and guided us every step of the way as we have made this transition. It hasn't always been easy or pretty, being a single mama to 3 small children, working all sorts of odd jobs to make ends meet, trying to heal 4 broken hearts and learning to live whole hearted has been a messy but beautiful process.
The goal of this blog is for me to have a place where I can openly process some of this crazy life in a very real way. From the daily grind of life's daily ups and downs, to the adventures and real struggles of parenting alone.  To show what it looks like to walk through insecurities and vulnerabilities head on in order to heal and be what God intended for my family to be. I'm not a writer or philosopher so this wont be anything fancy.  You are going to get a lot of amusing kid stories, funny pictures, some raw life, a couple of hilarious stories about living in an eccentric and amazingly friendly community, all of my messy screw ups and a small glimpse into the world of a woman trying to very intentionally change the direction of her life.  I hope you enjoy!

 Benjamin (Jamin)- kind hearted, boyscout, amazing big brother, book loving, mini genius :)
Penny- sweet tempered, fun loving, princess that leaves a little glitter where ever she goes.
Charlie- the imaginative and overly expressive baby of the family.
The whole gang!